The reason I made this is because our older daughter decided to serve a mission to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. She was assigned to serve in the France Paris mission and recently left for the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah. It was hard enough to have her gone for the holidays, let alone 18 months!
I think of her
Every. Single. Day. I wanted her to have something to open every day while she was away from us in the MTC. I envision her opening the gift, reading the scripture out loud with her companions, and hanging them on the tree. (It's definitely a sparkly picture in my mind!) She doesn't have a lot of room (think of a college dorm room with 3 other girls), so I had to make it small. And she won't take it with her when she leaves for France. She can just send home what she wants to keep.
There are so many more names of Jesus Christ you can find in the scriptures. I just limited it to 25 so she can have a small gift to open up
Every. Single. Day. leading up to Christmas! And I had friends asking me for the idea, so here we go!
The Tree
- Fabric Tree (or a small fake tree)
- Wooden Dowel
- Jute String
She doesn't have much space, so I ordered a fabric panel online of a tree. If you are super creative, just make your own! Here's the link where I found this one:
(It took about 4 days to arrive in the mail. I had to finish the edges and sew a small casing for a wooden dowel. Tied the ends of the dowel with jute string and it's ready to hang on a door or closet.)
Names of Christ
Here's the list, scripture references, and items I chose to use for gifts. Again, there are SO MANY MORE names of Christ, these just worked for what I wanted to use.
Printable Ornament Tags
- Ribbon
- Hole Punch
- Laminator (optional)
- Safety Pins
These are the style of ornaments I created. Obviously you can make your
own or feel free to use these. They are just JPGS- you can copy and
paste them right into your own document and size them the way you like. There are blank ones as well.
Here's what some of them looked like when I cut them out, laminated them, and put on a ribbon.
Gifts and Tags
Choosing gifts is all up to you! I found a lot at Hobby Lobby, Deseret Bookstore, Target, and Walmart. This part was SO MUCH FUN!! Wrap them up the way you want. (I put mine in brown paper bags with tissue paper.) Attach the ornament gift tags and number each one in the order you want them opened. (I selected Emmanuel to be opened on Christmas Day.)
Bright and Morning Star (Star Ornament- of course, this is the one gift I missed to take a photo) |
Horn of My Salvation (French Horn Ornament) |
Potter (Small Clay Cup- perfect for holding pens or candy) |
Prince of Peace (Peace Ornament and Dove Chocolates) |
Shield (CTR Necklace) |
Stone (Pop Rocks Candy with Modified Label) |
The Way (Milkyway Candybars with Modified Label) |
Tree of Life (Tree Ornament) |
True Vine (Red Vines Candy with Modified Label) |
Keeper of the Gate (Kit Kat Candy with Modified Label- my youngest daughter said they look like a gate) |
King of Kings (Crown Ornament) |
Lamb of God (Llama Stuffed Animal- they are a big thing right now) |
Light of the World (Twinkle Lights- these just happen to match any rhythm) |
Living Water (Vitamin Water Drink) |
Maker of Fisher of Men (Goldfish Crackers) |
Man of Sorrows (Bandaids) |
Mansion Preparer (Gingerbread House) |
Gift for Holy One of Israel (Toblerone Bar) |
Alpha and Omega (Ring Jewelry- inserted a card that read "rings have no beginning and no end") |
Bread of Life (Swiss Roll Cakes with Modified Label- since she is going to France!) |
Creator (Lego Mini Figures- these are all female superheroes) |
Emmanuel (Nativity Ornament with Baby Jesus) |
Firstfruits (Tootsie Roll Fruit Chews Candy) |
Good Shepherd (Candy Canes) |
High Tower (Eiffel Tower Ornament- again, she is going to France!) |
May you all enjoy your Christmas season! I hope this helps you feel uplifted and turns your hearts to Christ.